RaiseRight is a rebate program based on FCS purchasing gift cards at a discount from hundreds of popular retailers. You pay the full face value for the gift cards and then use the full face value of the gift cards to make your everyday purchases. The difference between the discount (which varies with each retailer) and the full face value becomes revenue for the school. This revenue is divided 50/50 between FCS to benefit the school and individual participants.
Rebates accumulate during a one-year period from May 1 to April 30. Participants receive a check for half of their proceeds from the program in May following that one-year period. The RaiseRight program produced $600.92 for the school during the 2023-2024 school year! The same amount was distributed to our FCS RaiseRight participants in May for 50% of their RaiseRight purchases. Your proceeds from the program can be used however you choose to use them. The key to benefiting from the program is to use it regularly for your everyday purchases in place of cash, checks, or credit/debit cards as well as for gifts for holidays, birthdays, etc.
Individuals enter their orders online on the RaiseRight.com website and pay for them using Electronic Funds Transfer with their Bank Account or using a Credit Card. Electronic gift cards can be ordered at any time on your mobile device. Orders for physical gift cards are placed at NOON on the dates specified by the coordinator and will be delivered according to your instructions that you specify on your enrollment form by Friday of that week.
8/26, 9/23, 10/28, 11/25, 12/9, 1/27, 2/24, 3/24, 4/28
Go to RaiseRight.com/shop to see the current list of hundreds of retailers who participate in the RaiseRight program.
The RaiseRight enrollment form is available in the FCS app under Topsiders. Just complete the form online, then you will be given instructions for completing your enrollment and for placing your first order!
If you have questions, contact the FCS RaiseRight Coordinators at FCSScrip@friendshipchristian.org.